Think you've done it all? Dream about doing it all? Well, I suspect you haven't seen this type of ALL yet, and here it is wrapped up into one neat two year package that includes visits to over 960 places that the World Heritage Committee has designated as sites which offer outstanding cultural or natural value. Luxury travel company Hurlingham Travel out of the UK has created what's being hailed as the world's most expensive holiday.

This Ultimate Journey includes stops in Mexico's Monte Alban, the Pyramids in Egypt, Span's Alhambra, Jordan's Petra, India's Taj Mahal, Easter Island and many, many more culturally and historically significant sites.

As you would have guessed, this itinerary is all connected by business class air travel and respites at the world's finest properties including the famed Cipriani Palace in Venice, the Hotel George V in Paris and...well, you get the idea., purveyor of all things luxury, has reportedly sold one spot to a PHD student from China who's expected to embark on his journey next year. Want to join in? It will only set you back about US $1.5 Million Dollars (if you could see me now, you'd know I was repeating it again and again with my pinky raised like a character in Austin Powers) Somehow it makes it a bit more palatable but for those with such a dispensable budget, and considering the outstanding experiences included, it seems well worth the investment. If anyone needs me for the rest of the day, I'll be daydreaming ...

QUESTION- If you had the money, would you do it? Shout out at