RED MANGROVE LODGES- Galapagos Islands

Ah, the Galapagos Islands - fresh, captivating, and never short on surprises. This is perhaps one of the last remaining places on Earth where everything is as nature intended and discoveries are waiting to be found at every turn. About 175 years ago, poor Charles Darwin had no other option but to explore the islands by boat as there was no place to lay his weary forward to today, where amateur explorers from far and wide now have another option besides the standard cruise. Our Galapagos discovery is Red Mangrove Lodges, the only brand in the Galapagos featuring lodges on many of the islands, thus offering a multitude of land activities and completely eliminating the "disembark/slowboat/ground tour/back on slowboat/reboard ship" routine that always leaves you feeling as though you may have missed out on something when time on land runs out. Fear not, these lodges are about as eco-friendly as a lodge can get, never interfering with the natural state of affairs on these beautiful islands.

Packages at Red Mangrove Lodges generally include:
- Transfers IN / OUT to/from Baltra or San Cristobal Airport
- Welcome drink
- Accommodation at Aventura, Floreana and Isabela Lodges / San Cristobal
- All meals included on a fixed menu basis
- Snacks / Navigations
- Excursions with English speaking Naturalist guide
- Use of bikes in Isabela and Aventua Lodge
- Internet service in Isabela and Aventura
- 25% discount for children under 10 years old

More time on land means more time to discover...and explore.

EXPLORATEUREAN EXCLUSIVE- Save an additional 8% on all packages. Just be sure to save a copy of this email to send to the reservations team when making your booking. Visit or call 888-254-3190, and be sure & tell 'em The Explorateur sent you!

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